Say “I do” to a beautiful you!


Wedding season is gracefully approaching and yes, there really is a wedding season!  Not too many brave soldiers plan their wedding in the the dead heat of summer or during the threat of a hurricane!

Are you one of the many blissful brides preparing for your big day?  It’s one of the biggest days of your life and you want nothing more than to look absolutely radiant, stunning, glamorous, and “knock his socks off” gorgeous.  Maybe some of you are already blessed with all that but most of us ladies have to work at it!  So how does all that happen between now and your big day?

Here’s a few tips:

If your wedding is a year out, or maybe even six months out, you can start a very simple exercise to start burning some calories and tone up….walking!   Walking is an excellent form of exercise that we can all do.  If you aren’t completely satisfied with what the scale is telling you each and every morning (and yes, I know you’re getting on there each and every morning) then find 20-30 minutes each day and walk.  Whether it’s before jumping in the shower each morning, after dinner or even on your lunch break, find a buddy and start walking.  Here’s a tip if you don’t like the heat: Walk the mall, it’s air-conditioned!  No frequent stopping though (if you know what I mean!)  You will be amazed with the results!

Looking for your skin to be absolutely flawless?  Who isn’t?  Your picture will be taken over 1000 times on your wedding day!  If you don’t have a skin care regimen already, get one!  It’s so important to have a daily skin care routine that is geared towards the age your skin is acting.  BeautiControl has an excellent skin care system that does just that.   It’s the only line I’ll use on my clients during facials.  They love the results and I love that they love the results!  It’s a win win!

In addition to a good skin care regimen, drink!  And I don’t mean alcohol, coffee or soda.  I mean WATER!  You’re not going to believe this but it’s the BEST thing to drink and readily available.  Might not taste like the best thing, I know, but…it’s so important to keep your body hydrated.  Your organs need it to detoxify and your skin will thank you for it.  Hydrated skin looks youthful, more radiant and healthy.  Add a little splash of lemon or lime, the L-Ascorbic Acid (also known as Vitamin C) is great for your skin and it adds a bit flavor.  Another win win.

Last but certainly not least, have a professional makeup artist do your makeup on your wedding day.  If you’re on a budget, as most people are, this is the one area where you shouldn’t skimp.  Professional makeup artists know the tricks of the trade to make you look absolutely flawless.  They know how to enhance the features you like and minimize the ones you don’t.  And remember, your face will be in over 1000 pictures.  Your makeup has to be perfect and it has to last for at least 10 hours.  If you’re confident you have what it takes to do that, best of luck, if not, call upon a professional.  You’ll be glad you did!

Okay, so you have made the commitment to tie the knot.  Now make the commitment to look amazing and feel amazing while tying the knot!

I see a very beautiful bride in your future!

Joanne Kaminski RN – Esthetician – Makeup Artist